Tasks 0.14
Ross Burton
2008-09-29 18:54:58 UTC
[pasting my blog post, as its easier]

It's been nearly 10 months after the previous Tasks release, for which I
profusely apologise. I wanted to fix one final bug before releasing,
which sadly took five months to get around too... I eventually fixed it
last night, so here is Tasks 0.14

* Magic date parser when adding tasks
* Support libunique in the GTK+ port (Jonny Lamb)
* Support OWL window menus in the GTK+ port
* Save and restore the edit window size
* Add a clickable note icon (#548)
* Ellipsize the undo/redo menu items (#741)
* Make sure the date popup doesn't go off the screen (#752)

The most interesting change in this release is the magic date parser,
which first landed back in March. This lets you use Google Calendar
style descriptive tasks such as "release tasks today", "do shopping next
tuesday" or "pay bills on 2nd". There are many patterns that are matched
but I need two things from any users of Tasks.

1. Translations. At the moment there are only English and French
translations for the strings, which are critical for the parser
to work. Translators, please update the translations!
2. Feedback. The parser handles all of the natural language
expressions that I thought would be useful. There are probably
plenty more which are not handled, so if you find one which
isn't handled (or is handled incorrectly) then please file a

Oh, and one last thing. The OpenMoko and Maemo ports have likely
bitrotted. New functionality has been added to the platform abstraction
and I don't think those ports were updated. If someone actively uses
Tasks on either Maemo or OpenMoko and is willing to test builds before
release, please contact me.

Intel Open Source Technology Centre
Detlev Reymann
2008-09-30 14:21:26 UTC
Hash: SHA1
Post by Ross Burton
Oh, and one last thing. The OpenMoko and Maemo ports have likely
bitrotted. New functionality has been added to the platform abstraction
and I don't think those ports were updated. If someone actively uses
Tasks on either Maemo or OpenMoko and is willing to test builds before
release, please contact me.
I use all pimlico apps on my Nokia N810, which is Maemo OS 2008.
Togehter with syncevolution it is the only really working solution with
sync to a server. I would be happy to contribute at least testing.
Because I am on a business trip up to the middle of next week, you do
not have to hurry...

- --
Detlev Reymann

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Roman Moravčík
2008-10-03 07:19:15 UTC
Hi all,

I'm using Tasks 0.13 on my N810. I tried to rebuild the latest version,
but compilation
was failing, because of old glib in Maemo. The latest Tasks is requiring
version 2.14
because of GRegex support.

So, I backported GRegex from glib2.0_2.16.6-1maemo1 to
and also updated hildon port to use koto_date_parse() and "Magic date
parser" seems
to work perfectly.

I will try post my changes here during the weekend if anyone want to
test it.

Post by Ross Burton
[pasting my blog post, as its easier]
It's been nearly 10 months after the previous Tasks release, for which I
profusely apologise. I wanted to fix one final bug before releasing,
which sadly took five months to get around too... I eventually fixed it
last night, so here is Tasks 0.14
* Magic date parser when adding tasks
* Support libunique in the GTK+ port (Jonny Lamb)
* Support OWL window menus in the GTK+ port
* Save and restore the edit window size
* Add a clickable note icon (#548)
* Ellipsize the undo/redo menu items (#741)
* Make sure the date popup doesn't go off the screen (#752)
The most interesting change in this release is the magic date parser,
which first landed back in March. This lets you use Google Calendar
style descriptive tasks such as "release tasks today", "do shopping next
tuesday" or "pay bills on 2nd". There are many patterns that are matched
but I need two things from any users of Tasks.
1. Translations. At the moment there are only English and French
translations for the strings, which are critical for the parser
to work. Translators, please update the translations!
2. Feedback. The parser handles all of the natural language
expressions that I thought would be useful. There are probably
plenty more which are not handled, so if you find one which
isn't handled (or is handled incorrectly) then please file a
Oh, and one last thing. The OpenMoko and Maemo ports have likely
bitrotted. New functionality has been added to the platform abstraction
and I don't think those ports were updated. If someone actively uses
Tasks on either Maemo or OpenMoko and is willing to test builds before
release, please contact me.
To unsubscribe send a mail to pimlico+unsubscribe-xEU7zwZjznfQT0dZR+***@public.gmane.org
Ross Burton
2008-10-03 08:58:38 UTC
Post by Roman Moravčík
So, I backported GRegex from glib2.0_2.16.6-1maemo1 to
and also updated hildon port to use koto_date_parse() and "Magic date
parser" seems
to work perfectly.
Tasks svn now checks for gregex explicitly and disables the date parser
instead of failing to build, so the next release will work on current
and future maemos.
Post by Roman Moravčík
I will try post my changes here during the weekend if anyone want to
test it.
That would be great, cheers.

Intel Open Source Technology Centre
2008-11-01 19:52:24 UTC
this mail is quite late, but I just wanted to send many thanks for this.
Tasks is my #1 killer app, and the magic date parser + notes icon in
version 0.14 makes my life even more pleasant.

Thank you!
Ross Burton
2008-11-01 23:06:45 UTC
Post by Jeff
this mail is quite late, but I just wanted to send many thanks for
this. Tasks is my #1 killer app, and the magic date parser + notes
icon in version 0.14 makes my life even more pleasant.
Thanks, that is much appreciated.

Intel Open Source Technology Centre